Born in Stuttgart, Germany
- 2022
- Presentation at IAAP Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2021
- Presentation at South America Conference of the Journal of Analytic Psychology (JAP), Sao Paolo,
- Brazil
- 2019
- Presentation at Art and Psyche: The Illuminated Imagination, Pacifica Graduate Institute & UC
- Santa Barbara
- 2015
- Presentation at Art and Psyche in Sicily: Layers And Liminality, Siracusa, Italy
- 2013
- Roofing Tar Paintings, The Harlem School of The Arts, New York City
- Presentation at ARAS, (The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism), New York City
- Roofing Tar Paintings, The Painting Center, New York City
- Roofing Tar Paintings, A.P.E. Gallery, Northampton, MA
- 2012
- Presentation at Art and Psyche in the City Conference, New York University, New York City
- 2010
- Human Cannonball Paintings, A.P.E. Gallery, Northampton, MA
- 2009
- M.A.M., Montague, MA
- 2007
- ACNY, Art Connects, New York City
- 2006
- IFBB, Summer Show, Berlin, Germany
- 2005
- Knife Paintings, Institut für Bildbetrachtung, Berlin, Germany
- LEH, Schondorf am Ammersee, Germany
- 2002
- Matthias Leutrum/Paintings, Lolita, New York City,
- The James White Review, Globe Paintings and Men in Armor Paintings, New York City
- 2001
- The Art Project, Artists responding to September 11th, New York City
- 1998
- The Malahat Review, Victoria, BC
- 1993
- Les Diplomes avec Felicitations, Paris, France
- 1991
- Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
- 1989
- Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
- 2014 to 2021, Jungian Analyst in Training, Psychoanalyst, JPA (Jungian Psychoanalytic Association), New York City
- 1992, Diplôme Nationale Supérieure d’Arts Plastiques (DNSAP)/MFA avec “Felicitations du Jury” (magna cum laude), École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
- 1987-1992,École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
- 1986-1987, Preparation Grands Concours, Academie Charpentier, Paris, France
- 1985-1986, Cours de la Civilisation Française, La Sorbonne, Paris, France
- 2014 to present, Jungian Analyst/Licensed Psychoanalyst in private practice , JPA (Jungian Psychoanalytic Association), New York City
- 2014/2019 Art Teacher at The Gateway School, New York City
- 2015/2016 Artist in Residence at The Meetinghouse, New York City
- 2013/2014 Artist in Residence at The Harlem School of The Arts, New York City
- 1998 to 2014, Art Teacher & Visual Arts Coordinator, The Children’s Storefront, New York City